Where Are You Spending Your Energy?

I am getting a lot of lessons on  where am I spending my energy for the last month.  This is helping me become more aware of my personal boundaries and when to say no, and when to say yes to people, opportunities and experiences. How about you all of you?

Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for him- or herself what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around him or her and how he or she will respond when someone steps outside those limits. They are built out of a mix of beliefs, opinions, attitudes, past experiences and social learning. ~from Wikipedia

I am being shown quite blatantly where I am spending my energy, and getting the opportunity to realize the effects.

Cool but Challenging

I now see why some days I wish to curl up in the fetal position and simply escape everything.   I am stretching my energies too thin.  I am spending too much doing things that drag down my energy and not enough on things that lift my energy.  I am unbalanced in my juggling.  It is so much easier to do the things that are not as uplifting- paying bills, housecleaning etc…when there is a balance with those things that do lift your energies.

I knew this because I got sick and had to take a few days to rest and rejuvenate.  This gave me an opportunity to really examine where I  was spending my time and energy and where I wanted to be spending my time and energy. I realized I was trying to be super woman and I needed help and to reevaluate.

I started practising calendar therapy.  Instead of running into town several times a week, I reorganized myself to limit these trips. I also asked for help from people I trust. I also scheduled in times to do the things I love doing, writing,  researching, cow checking, long walks and time with my horses. I also scheduled in time to do nothing.  I realized I was rushing through tasks instead of simply enjoying  the moment, especially when they were tasks I enjoyed.

Being really aware of where I was spending my time, how many distractions I was giving in to and how I was feeling in each moment created even more awareness of myself. Part of the big shifting of  awareness and consciousness energies?  Why yes, I believe so.

I have a lot of projects that I am working on as well as everyday life being busy. I have found that I really have to be aware of what I am saying yes to. Helping other people with their projects does take energy away from mine. Does not mean that I do not help, but it does mean I help in a way that benefits both of us. There has to be an energy exchange, and I have to honour my own boundaries and say no sometimes.  I have found that when I say no to some offers it clears space for other opportunities that are fabulous for me.  yay!! I had this validated today.

Yesterday, I had information pouring in on an offering for me to create that will be fun for others and myself.  I wrote out the details, and  fine tuned it in my energy.  Posted it today and holy hay crops, I am getting bookings already. How sweet is that!! I am giddy with excitement. It feels so good.

Honouring my boundaries and energy created space for fabulous energies to flow in.

How do you know when to say NO?  Pay attention to your body, if you find that you are  snarling inside when someone is talking to you about a project, chances are you are not interested.

If you really want to roll your eyes and cannot, or you can since it is on the phone, while that may be good for  boosting your third eye chakra, it is an indication that you are not interested.

I know it can be hard to say no, but it really does honour you and your own energies.

Energies that uplift and drag down are different for each person, same with personal boundaries. While some people get uplifted by working in groups and activities that is not true for everyone. While some people get uplifted tromping through naturally fertilized pastures to check cows, that is for sure not true for everyone.

What are your personal boundaries?  do you know?  Do you honour them? What uplifts your energy, what drags it down?  Do you create a balance with the two?

We are being shown these energies right now to become more conscious of our patterns. Give yourself time and space to work through these. So worth it.


Reverend Shannon Laackmann B.Msc




This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jennabelle

    LOVE IT! so true! I have days where I feel like this is something I need to work on as well!! 🙂

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