Are you wishing For Answers?

Are You Searching for Understanding?

A Soul Session offers the clarity and insights you’ve been longing for.

An Energy Shift and Release Session will help clear away negative energy tangles, reset your energy, and bring you calm, clarity, and confidence.

Do you feel stuck in repeating patterns and wonder why? A Past Life Regression can offer deep insight and a greater understanding of yourself and your journey.

As a Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor and a Laughter for Well-Being Facilitator, I combine proven practices with intuitive insights to help you achieve balance and peace. Together, we’ll work to reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and elevate your overall well-being.

Using my natural psychic abilities, extensive education, and years of experience, I’ll help you untangle life’s challenges and create clarity, awareness, and understanding. Together, we’ll explore your energy, uncover hidden dynamics, and provide tools to help you approach life with divine wisdom and self-awareness.

My goal is to support you in becoming a version of yourself who embodies self-confidence, compassion, and peace. With my intuitive understanding of energy and dynamics, I’ll guide you toward reconnecting with the amazing being you truly are.

Are you ready to step off the roller coaster of life and gain a deeper understanding of yourself?

Understanding yourself creates an energy of peace.
When you truly understand yourself, life begins to make more sense. You’ll gain a fresh, divine perspective on your experiences and the people around you, fostering clarity and compassion.


Through our sessions, you’ll receive tools and wisdom to build confidence and move forward with purpose. I’ll guide you toward greater self-awareness, providing strategies and insights to support you on this wild journey of life.

You’ll feel empowered, spiritually grounded, and emotionally equipped to handle life’s day-to-day challenges with grace and ease.

Let’s work together to bring clarity, confidence, and peace into your life.
Contact me for a session today!

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Shannon, you provided me such a soothing and comforting environment in which I felt a calm serenity from within. Your words of love, insight and wisdom encouraged me to feel the beauty and personal empowerment that I have within me. I loved having a session with you!
If you’re considering any of Shannon’s services, all I can say is this, The Psychic Cowgirl lassoed me in, hook, line and sinker, and it would be a disservice not to experience her gifts for yourself.


 Psychic Cowgirl is a registered trademark.  

Disclaimer: all services, whether provided by written, spoken, or electronic communication are considered to be for vocational and avocational self-improvement. Information provided by  Shannon is not to be considered a substitute for advice, programs or treatment from a licensed medical, psychological, legal or financial professional. Reverend Shannon Laackmann B.Msc, C.Ht  provides no guarantees, nor implied warranties and is not responsible for any interpretations, decisions made or actions taken by clients. By using this website for informational purposes and/or to schedule a service, you agree that you fully understand the above disclaimer statement in its entirety and agree to abide by its terms and conditions.