My laughter story begins with inviting a laughing yoga lady to come to a Mindful group I facilitate. We were entranced and delighted with her presentation and booked an entire session with her immediately. I personally liked how it shifted my energy.
I was dealing with some hefty emotional challenges in my life. That first experience shifted my energy so much in a positive way that I immediately signed up for training with Dr. Kataria, the founder of this phenomenal laughter yoga. I was looking for something to reconnect me with joy and that I could also help others reconnect with theirs.
Laughter yoga is doing that.
Very Good, Very Good, YAY!!
I am feeling more like my sparkly, joyful self.
And I want to share that energy of connection and joy.
I am a Certified Leader.
Lets do a laughter gathering. A shindig perhaps.
You will connect, laugh and shift your energies, which will lead you to releasing anxiety and being more intuitive and joyful.
Contact me to discuss:
Join me for weekly Laughter in Entwistle