Laughing Cowgirl 


My laughter story begins with inviting a laughing yoga lady to come to a Mindful group I facilitate. We were entranced and delighted with her presentation and booked an entire session with her immediately. I personally liked how it shifted my energy. 

I was dealing with some hefty emotional challenges in my life. That first experience shifted my energy so much in a positive way that I immediately signed up for training with Dr. Kataria, the founder of this phenomenal laughter yoga. I was looking for something to reconnect me with joy and that I could also help others reconnect with theirs. 

Laughter yoga is doing that. 

Very Good, Very Good, YAY!! 

I am feeling more like my sparkly, joyful self.

 And I want to share that energy of connection and joy.

 I am a Certified Leader.

Lets do a laughter gathering. A shindig perhaps.

 Three hours of fun that will include laughing, tapping, dancing and an empowering soul connecting guided imagery. 

You will connect, laugh and shift your energies, which will lead you to releasing anxiety and being more intuitive and joyful. 

Contact me to discuss: 


Laughter Yoga Benefits 

Certified Leader