Daily Oracle Card ~ STAR BROTHERS
Horus energy. Protection. Loyalty. Safety. Trust.
You’re more protected than you can imagine. It’s safe to open the back of your heart. You’re being called to be open to receiving a new level of support now from those in your life and from the benevolent beings you’re connected with.
Through ancestral patterning, current life traumas, and past life karmic impressions, many of us have become mistrustful and suspicious of loyalty and have blocks when it comes to receiving support. We’ve learned that we need to go at life alone. That it’s not safe to let our guard down and our heart open. That the world isn’t a friendly place.
The Star Brothers want you to have a new experience of life on Earth. They want you to feel deeply secure and safe, even if you’re going through a difficult time. They want you to hand over your fears to them. To see them as opportunities to let in more love.
They’re guiding you to stay open to receiving a greater level of support than you can ever imagine, both in this world and beyond. To call in your team of loyal protectors and supporters, both physically and energetically. They want you to learn to soften through life’s ups and downs and to learn to open your heart, especially when it most wants to harden.
Starseed Oracles