The Universe Has a Plan

Ever go through some crazy, uncomfortable WTF experiences only to realize months and months later that it was actually a training program for what is to come?  So fascinating!

Happens a lot for our soul growth.

I have gone through an energy clearing of toxic relationships the last couple of years.  Releasing people not in alignment with me at that time.  They may never be again.

Our relationship had run its course and it was time for a choice. To continue with the negativity and drama in hopes that I could continue helping them or release them. Some of them become no choice, it was very clear that it was done. Validations came later when the lies were exposed.

Even though the situations felt like attacks and seriously sucked, it gave me opportunities to process, heal and determined to find a way to make peace with the situations. I froze more than one name!  Bitches be banished!

The blessing in the situations is that I have a deeper understanding of light and dark. Psychic attacks and negative energies that get stuck in our energy. Perception and truth are not the same thing. Lies and manipulation can only harm you if you do not release their energy.  They feel sticky until you find a way to release.

Staying grounded in your integrity and awareness of who you are is key to finding peace in toxic situations.  Nothing like an experiential training program.

In this experience even my hair changed colour and I had to adjust. Grateful for a fabulous stylist.  I am now a natural platinum blonde whereas I was a natural brunette. My hair stylist and I are still astounded with that crazy adventure in hair changing colours!  Intense, right?  Transformation inside and outside.

My magic is stronger than ever. My purpose is stronger than ever. My psychic ability is stronger than ever.

I have found an inner peace that I was longing for.   I do know that I would not have found this without the ugly, uncomfortable yet profound experiences that happened with people I really cared about but the situations made it impossible for a healthy relationship to continue.  They became too much work and I chose to let them go.

I feel like I am coming up and out of my bubble of hibernation required for the training program. Or was it an initiation?