Magic Wand

Daily Oracle Card ~ Magic Wand.
January17, 2022
Time for a magic wand shopping spree with the Universe. just point and wish.
Hocus Pocus
This takes Focus.
they say the devil is in the details. well so is a slice of heaven when you get specific. whether you call it a magic wand, a pointing stick, or a lightning rod this is the tool you need to hone in on what you really want.
This is about aligning with spirit to call in the really juicy part of all that divine has to offer. One minister we know says, “Ask for what, not how. Be specific, Focus. Say what you want, but don’t tell the universe how to get it. ” That’s the surprise part!
Once you say what you want, it’s time to let go and let God. This is about aligning with spirit and witnessing how truly wonderful it is to manifest. Whip out your magic wand and watch the magic unfold. ~Audacious Action Angels Oracle Cards by Lorraine Roe and Helen Michaels