Daily Oracle Card~ Security
Firelit Cave
In ancient times, our forebears took refuge in caves. It was there that they could seek shelter from the weather and be protected from predators and enemies.
The cave offered a safe place to prepare food, sleep, heal, and build community. Caves were also the places where sacred spiritual ceremonies occurred, evidenced by cave drawings and altars that had been built along the ledges.
Symbolically, caves often represented a secret pathway to the underworld, the divine womb of Mother Earth, and the sacred heart. Also, caves can be energy portals for shamans or other spiritual explorers.
The Sacred Landscape Wants You to Know:
You are safe and protected. No matter what is occurring in your life, you are in safe hands. Those in the realm of Spirit are watching over you. You can relax and let go.
Once you’ve taken measures to protect yourself and those you love—such as making sure everyone has their seat belt on in the car, making sure your insurance is paid on time, or replacing the filter on your heating unit—then let go.
If you have been hypervigilant lately, take a break. Relax; know that all is well. You can turn it all over to the Creator.