Daily Oracle Card ~ INNER EARTH
You’ll survive this. New solutions and beginnings.
Inner Earth (also known as Agartha) is believed to be a hidden subterranean world within the planet itself. Many ancient cultures mention it in their stories: it’s said that some of the beings of ancient lost lands such as Lemuria, Atlantis, and Āryāvarta went there. Hindu and Celtic lore mention caves and entrances to underground worlds.
Tibetan Buddhism refers to the secret mystical city Shambala, which is thought to be located in the Himalayas.
Many have searched for Inner Earth in the physical world, but without success. So the mystery continues: is it a place that exists in the physical or on another level of consciousness?
There are solutions beyond what you can perceive. Surprising outcomes to your problems and situations. Resolutions that are in the best interests of all involved. If you find yourself facing an obstacle, or feeling stuck, and have no idea what to do, you’re being reassured that there is a way out. You’ll survive this and things will work out.
If you’re stuck in a rut, do something to shake up the energy and shift your thinking. Try something you wouldn’t normally do. Soon you’ll see that whole new worlds of solutions are available. Things that were previously beyond your focus will present themselves.
Helpful people, signs from the Universe, and support in both expected and unexpected ways are on their way to you. But first, you need to do something different to shift your focus so you can receive them. 

Starseed Oracles