Daily Oracle Card ~ Metamorphosis
“You are in the process of deep and beautiful change.”
Butterflies earn their wings through great effort. The process of change is often painful, for it is never without losses and sacrifices. If you are to transform from one form to another, a part of you needs to die.
Letting go isn’t easy, especially when you’re used to thinking a certain way about your life and how you live it. Just as a snake sheds its dead skin, or a caterpillar “dies” so that a butterfly can be born, you’re required to release your old ideas and embrace a necessary change so you can live your best life.
Perhaps you’re being asked to let go of low self-worth, a dream that no longer serves you, a relationship that is draining, or unhealthy habits.
Despite your fear, you must accept that this is a transformational time for you. There will be some loss involved, but you’ll love what you become
Enchanted Map Oracles