
Daily Oracle Card ~ DelightSparrows in Spring GrassThe sparrow gains its power from its numbers. In clusters, sparrows eat and forage, and predators are distracted and deterred—even intimidated—by their numbers. Security…

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Daily Oracle Card ~ GatewayEnchanted ValleyThere are places on the planet where the veil between the physical realms and the mystical dimensions is especially thin. These places are called portals,…

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Daily Oracle Card ~ AdventuresLofty WaterfallSymbolically, water usually relates to emotions—moving water is moving and fluid emotions. It represents letting go and release.Water also represents spirituality, and moving water can…

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Daily Oracle Cards ~ ActionStorm Clouds GatheringHave you ever been outdoors just before a storm? You feel energized and alive, and maybe even a little “high,” as if your body…

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